A good morning kiss becomes a sweet and tender moment blessing the new day with knowing we are together.
A call from work cut short by pressing duties is still cherished because we made a connection with a few words in the middle of our busy day.
Thinking of each other, remembering the past and celebrating today with cards, gifts and a dinner out becomes a party for two.
Making vows again to start another year is the commitment and promise to love when it is hard, to stay when we want to go, to face the opposition together not apart.
This is our 38th anniversary. Our today. Our celebration. We are deeply grateful to God for the gift of each other. We give thanks for the grace and blessings poured into our lives. It has been a good day!
Father God, Author and Builder of the marriage covenant and bond, we give You thanks! You have given us good gifts in each other and throughout our lives. Yes, there are times when we fail to see the gift and only see the struggle. Forgive us. Open our hearts each day to see Your blessing in the face of our spouse. Teach us to recognize You in each other and let us live together with You in eternity!
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