Saturday, November 26, 2011

Desperate for Christmas

Christmas can't seem to come fast enough for some people. We have seen signs of Christmas before Halloween! Thanksgiving was overrun with the sale spree of Black Friday that was pushed back to Thursday. Everywhere I turn I see people desperate for Christmas. Maybe they are only desperate for $mas.

As I watch shoppers scanning the items on shelves over flowing with many things, I am sure that though they seem to be running hard toward $mas, they have hearts that are hungry for a real Christmas. Jesus spoke to His disciples about this in terms of a harvest. He said the fields were white and in need of laborers to bring in the harvest (see Matthew 9:38 and John 4:35.)

What are our hearts searching for this Christmas season? Are we looking for the right gift at the right price? Are we seeking the hope of a brighter future? More importantly are we looking for the Lord Jesus Christ and His gift? What we seek for ourselves should we not also seek for others?

When I see people desperate for Christmas am I willing to offer them the truth? The harvest is ripe. This is the time to go tell it on the mountain tops, that Jesus was born, lived a sinless life, died in our place and rose again to someday come back and rule the earth! This blog is my mountain top. Do you have a mountain top?

Father, my heart is desperate for more of Christmas to live in my heart every day. You sent Your Son as a miracle gift. It is Your Grace and Mercy that calls our hearts to seek Christmas. Father, so many are lost in the glamour of the seasonal shopping daze. Let Your voice be heard above the crowds! Let Your truth touch their needy hearts and let Your Word fill their hearts with hope, peace, joy, and love. I choose to serve as a laborer in Your fields, Lord. Let my words bring You Glory!

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