Friday, February 3, 2012

Proverbs Sixteen

Proverbs 16:7 When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

I do not like to think that I may have enemies, but I do know that over the years I have had people who have been very angry at me for one reason or another. Funny thing is that sometimes I am my own worst enemy!

Most of my enemies are made with words misunderstood, words spewed out in anger, or haughty words that bring the other person low. It is only when the other person reacts that I realize that I have made an enemy. But, I don't like to have enemies, and so I become desperate to resolve the problem.

When I try to fix the wrong doing myself it usually turns out worse. My pride or anger is heightened by someone not admitting that I am right and they are wrong. Oh, yes, I try to repair the damage with more of my word weapons. It is like a using a flame thrower to heal a sunburn. OUCH!

It is only when I go to the Lord and ask Him what to do that I find myself on the road to peace holding out the white flag. Through changing my thinking and my way of looking at a situation, I can diffuse the pride and anger in me first. It is His ways that can lead me to peace with my neighbor that has been hurt and wounded by me. It is His ways that allow outstretched arms to embrace the hostile enemy and offer peace and healing. His ways are not my ways, but His ways please Him and eventually please me and my enemy.

Lord of Peace, You are mighty to bring down the strongholds within me. You wash away my guilt and lay out a pathway of healing and peace, if I only will make my way pleasing to You. Thank You for turning my heart toward peace when I am so inflated by self. Thank You for healing me and helping me be a part of the healing in others. Make me a vessel of Your peace.


Tom Chereck Jr. said...

Donna, please be encouraged to view the post I made to your blog about Johnathan and his dad.

Only the leaders of Revive Our Hearts truely appreciate that women in the church must be a door mat. Lord Jesus Christ was a door mat. He did just what his father told him to do.

I wrote an unpublished book "How to Parent, Amidst Complexity". Answers 3 questions you can find on my web site.

Answers 480 yr old Catholic vs. Protestant war.

About 120 years after war began, Mayflower compact was signed.

About 120 years later, the first Great Awakening.

About 50 years further, the second Great Awakening (I call it the great unawakening). Many non-Christian cults, i.e., Christian spin offs arose.

About 120 years after the Great Awakening (which led to declaration of independence by a group of men) the feminist movement entered the Christian Church insideous ways.

Now we are about 120 years later. We are at a cross roads. Men in general in the pews, not in the pulpits, are tired of the 120 year old femanized church. The men are ready to lead revival in this nation as it is being led around the world. The femanized church are the blocks of wood preventing the church from moving from its stuck position.

Go to Revive Our Hearts and check your heart.

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