Thursday, May 26, 2016

Is My Sin Showing?

Sin is a big word. We all have sin in our lives, but it is not something we proudly display, most of the time. We think we hide our sins fairly well, but then someone calls us out on what they see, and we go scrambling to stuff them back under the covers, hoping it will all disappear.

I remember clearly at the time when my sin of ingratitude was pointed out to me. I was grumbling and unhappy with everything in my life. My very patient and loving husband took me to McDonalds and let me complain for a long while. Finally, he said to me, “Care, your problem is that you are ungrateful.” I was speechless. Of course, I wouldn’t have named my unhappiness in that way, but lying there in the deepest part of me was the ravenous monster called Thanklessness. Even though my sin was disguised by my blame game, it was showing. Patrick did the right thing by shining a light into my darkness. It was time to deal with that fiend once and for all.

We all are sinners. We all fall short of the mark. We all would like to hide those failings from others. But in all my years, I have to admit that though I think I am covering over my sin, it still shows. Like a child who closes his eyes or hides under a blanket, thinking we can’t see them, it still shows.

Yes, some sins are easier to hide than others, and we are more desperate to hide some sins than others, but all sins can be found out. Our only hope is to have them covered by the Blood of the Lamb.

Good Father, we see the world uncovering their sin without guilt or shame. We, too, sometimes excuse our sin as just a human condition that needs no fear of exposure. You see all of our sin. Yet, You love us so much that You will not let it stay hidden. You have made a way to remove it by Your Son’s blood. Thank You! Help us to open our hearts to Your plan and Your holiness. Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us!

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