Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31:12
She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.

A simple formula for the excellent wife lies in these words.

Do I fit this description? Not always. In fact, if I count up the days I have not done something to hurt the man I love, I would not have many to boast upon. It is not that I haven't tried to do good and not harm him, I just don't do it perfectly.

I also must consider my Bridegroom Lord. Do I work hard to do him good and not harm every day?

It is not easy for me to follow all the commands of scripture, or to please an earthly man all the time. The secret lies in the focus of the choice. He is the focus, not me. It is his good not mine. Selfishness, put aside, is the key to success in relationships, especially marriage. It is never too late for me to find that key and use it for the good of all.

God of humility and Kingship. You deserve my praise and adoration. You did not hold on to Your position but gave it up to save me. I am brought low by my selfish heart. I hurt those I love, and I am so very sorry. Forgive me! Thank You for giving me a man filled with Your Spirit. Thank you for those who forgive me so readily. Thank You for washing away my sins. Let each decision I make lead to a good end for those I love. I trust in You Lord!

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