Gideon was one of Israels' judges. He was called by God to rescue Gods' people from the oppression of the Midianites. Let me tell you his story.
Gideon was hiding from the Midianites while he did his farm-work. God knew where he was hiding and sent a messenger to tell him the plan and enlist him as the warrior-in-charge. Gideon resisted the Lord's assignment and set out two fleeces to determine if this was really what he must do. God complied with both fleeces, and Gideon finally relented. He made a call for warriors and thousands of Israelites, fed up with the tyranny of their oppressors, came out to fight.
Gideon and his army were greatly out numbered. It seemed that God's plan was a disaster waiting to happen. It got worse however when Gideon asked God what to do. God told him to send all the men who were afraid home. Then God told him to have the remainder of the men to go down and drink from the spring. Those that drank lapping like a dog, out of their hands, were to stay. Those who bent their heads into the water to drink were to be sent home. Gideon was left with 300 men. Surprisingly, this small band of men were used by God to defeat the Midian army of thousands! God was glorified! (You can read Gideons' story in Judges 6-8)
Each of us can be a Gideon. We all are given a gift or talent by God and He has a purpose for us. Gideon was named a warrior by God. Some of us may be named helpers, writers, preachers, singers and so many other things. Like the fearful farmer, we too, sometimes resist the title conferred on us by God. We try to reason with Him and convince Him that He made a mistake. It sounds strange, but we all do it at sometime. When God prevails and we accept His plan, we often times find that God begins to limit our resources. He may limit our funds, time, or other tools we think we need to do what God has called us to do. We can feel inadequate to do the job.
When we come to the place where we only hold God's plan in our hands, and nothing or very little of ourselves, we must trust in God, believe in His truth, and have faith in His presence in the plan. We obey. We walk forward not concerned for the outcome, only for the obedience that will give God glory.
God has called me to write and speak for Him. I resisted this call at first, but then embraced it thinking He would provide all I needed. I didn't know He would take away time, and funds. I never thought I would go through dry spells, but I did. Sometimes it is hard or fearful, but I continue to take one step at a time. I pray He is receiving Glory through my obedience.
God, You are the Giver of Purpose. You name each of us in Your plan and guide us to the place where we need only You. Forgive me when I take Your gift and call it mine. Thank You for using me to spread Your love and truth. Guide me and light my path when everything seems dark. I do trust You.
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