Tuesday, February 1, 2011

List of Thoughts

Today I watched the movie, "What If?" It was similar to "It's a Wonderful Life," but with one twist. The main character, Ben, was visited by an angel who took him from his high-powered executive life to his purposed life of being a preacher and family man. In his experience of visiting his purposed life, he was recognized by people in that life, but he did not recognize them. When trying to return to his life as an executive, he recognized those he had worked with, but they did not know him. He not only had two lives to choose from, but he was a different man in each reality.

In one scene of the movie, Ben is talking to his wife. He wants his exciting life back, but he does not know how. His wife asks why the Ben Walker he is talking about is doing here with her. He says he has to figure that out for himself.

This movie seemed to bring together some seemingly random thoughts I had over the last few days. It was a great movie to watch after Pastor John's Sunday sermon. Ben Walker had not found his "Sweet spot," as John would say. He worked hard and seemed to be successful, but was not honoring God in his work. He was meant to be a preacher and family man. That was were his sweet spot was. There was a greater purpose for him. He needed to find that purpose for himself (with the help of God's messenger.)

I also read a letter from James Robison. In his letter, he used the phrase, "Dangerously awake." That was a phrase to ponder. In a way Ben became dangerously awake to the truth of the life he was living and the life he should be living. The thoughts of "what ifs," "sweet spots," and being "dangerously awake" make me aware that the strengths God put into me are precious life-satisfying, God-glorifying tools.

The strengths we observe in one another are the expression of God's DNA passed on to us through our creation. Our weaknesses exist so that we yield to God in relationship to fulfill the assignments we are given. Learning to live with both is an adventure of loving God, ourselves and others.

Creator God, You have proven that You desire a connection with Your creation. You have given us strengths that show the world a part of You. You have allowed us to be weak so that we will seek after You and rely on You to make a difference. Please forgive us when in our pride we strive to erase our weakness or hide it away. Forgive us also when we think our strengths belong to us alone. Thank You for being strong and sharing your strength with us whenever we ask. We ask now to be filled with the truth of who You are in our lives! We need You!

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