Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Someone has said silence is golden. I am finding out that it is true. I reserve part of my day to sit in silence, work in silence, and rest in silence. Silence is refreshing and renewing!

Our world fights silence. We have media of all kinds blasting at us at all times. We need to make a determined effort to visit ourselves and our Father God in the silence. It is not easy to turn off the phone, radio, t.v. and computer. It is not easy to find time away from the noise of family, friends, coworkers, etc. It takes courage to walk away to a silent place, because that is when we hear the things we have been trying to shut out with the noise.

In the silence we hear our own thoughts much clearer. We hear the whispers of God, and in silence, we feel deeper emotions. Silence has a sound. It is the voice of simple truth if we sit with God. Another truth is that we must silence our own thoughts and words in order to hear the still small voice of our Heavenly Father.

Hearing Gods' voice is one of the most delightful treasures in my life. In the silence He speaks words of love, encouragement, hope and direction. We need the silence to wrap around us so that we may hear His precious voice.

It is time to turn off the noise. There will be another time to hear the music, speak out, and listen to the world, but now is the time to enjoy the gift of silence.

Father, You hear my whispers to You in the dark of night. You sit in silence waiting for me to join You in a time of refreshing and renewal. Your voice is all I want and I choose to turn away from the world in order to hear Your voice. Thank You for loving me in the quiet places and in the chaos of noise. Thank You for letting me go deeper into Your heart when the hush falls over me. Speak silence into my life and heart that I might know You more! I love You, Lord!

Monday, August 30, 2010


I have been cleaning out closets, drawers and hidden spaces for weeks now. The job seems to grow more than diminish. I am finding that I have a mountain of paper to conquer. Just like any mountain it takes one step at a time to reach the top!

The more I delve into my task, the more I crave simplicity. I want to minimize the clutter. I want to throw away that which serves no useful purpose. I want to live smaller. I do not want to give up the richness of the written word, nor do I want to close myself off from the beauty that enriches my soul. but I do want to make it possible to really see the beauty and richness of life's blessings. I cannot do it when there is so much, and it becomes hidden under trivial things.

So, I plod my way through all the mess. I sort, organize, throw away and minimize. I have a long, long way to go. My road to simplicity is lined with litter from my past desires to hold on to what I thought was good. It is paved with good intentions. It is traveled slowly and one step at a time.

Father in Heaven, I imagine Your home in heaven to be simple beauty. I want that here as best I can. There is much for me to do to get where I want to be. I want Your strength, Your grace, and Your wisdom to guide me in this pursuit! Thank You for Your Spirit that draws me closer to heaven and calls me to simplicity!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Spiritual Warfare

We have an enemy that is unseen. We may not see his person, but we certainly know he exists and intends to do evil towards us. We hear his voice tempting us to join him in the evil he plans for ourselves, our families and others. The world does his bidding without much thought. As Christians we must recognize who is setting a plan before us and resist the Evil Ones' enticement no matter how convincing he makes it.

The knowledge that we have an unseen enemy can be frightening, but knowing that we have a Greater God to turn to for help is empowering. God is love and there is great power in love. It is our strongest weapon against evil. No good can come by trying to defeat evil with more evil.

Last night I caught the last part of a show on tv. I think it was Primetime. They were discussing that there are some people who have a certain type of brain function (or lack thereof) that are predisposed to murder. Studies seem to conclude that DNA and brain activity can be factors in determining why some people commit murder after seemingly living a normal life.

The most interesting part about the show was that the researcher began to talk to his mother, who encouraged him to study his family history. It seems his father had a linage of murderers on his family tree, including Lizzie Bordon. He then did studies on himself, his mother, wife and children. The results were surprising in that only one person had the genetic and brain function the same as those of killers he had studied. He had both residing in himself.

Why had he not exhibited the traits seen in the lives of those he studied? He knew there had to be a mitigating factor. He determined that it was the overwhelming love he experienced as a child and as an adult. He was drenched in the love of his family. The power of love successfully overcame his seemingly evil tendencies. He did not mention a spiritual source of the love given but certainly God is the God of all true love experiences.

So what does this have to do with me and you? I think it speaks clearly about the need for love in our lives if we are to overcome the temptations of the Evil One. We must have an unlimited source of love. We must have God!

God You are Love. You are the Source and Power of Love in the world. You are the only defense against the enemy who seeks to steal kill and destroy us. Lord, I want to love, but I so often fail to love purely or to love the unlovable. Thank You for proving to me that it is possible to love those who do not deserve it. Thank You for demonstrating love that comes from choosing not feeling. Help me to love. Let me be a vessel to pour Your love out to a hurting world. I need You and I need Your love!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Telling Myself the Truth

"Am I judgemental?" was a question posed by a young woman who has high standards. I can't read the intentions of her heart, but my answer to her included my own experience with judging others. Her response revealed that she was not willing to even accept the possibility that she might be something she did not want to be. She asked a question to which she did not want an honest answer, even if the answer came from herself.

Sin likes to hide in the darkness. The truth may lie hidden under the false humility of asking a question we really don't intend to answer truthfully. We do not want to see ourselves as we are because our "High standards" do not permit that failure in our lives. The shadows of pretense successfully mask the truth, and our sin is not dealt with completely.

Sin is like the tiny thread that dangles from a seam. If we care for it immediately destruction is avoided. If we ignore it there will come a day when the garment is unwearable. Sin is like a stain on a favorite dress. It needs to be attended to with the proper cleaner for that particular stain. Left unaddressed the stain becomes harder to remove.

Honesty with ourselves is the first step toward freedom from sin. If we cannot say we sin, there is no offer of forgiveness and grace. If we think we can decide for ourselves what is right and wrong we wear the mantel of humanism. Where do we find the truth that we must tell ourselves? We find it in God's Word and through his Holy Spirit. It is HIS standard, not our own that we need with which to compare our selves. The light of His Word shining on our lives will spotlight the sin in us. We then have a choice to run and hide behind the mask we wear, or tell ourselves the truth and begin the change.

Light of the World, You are Truth and Mercy. You are the Grace I seek. You are the only way to holiness. My sins are many. I fail often to allow truth to open my eyes before damage to myself and others. Thank You, Father, for being persistent in calling me to repentance. I need Your voice to reveal truth to me so that I might tell myself the truth and make the right decision to change.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Vote with Joy

Voting can be a stressful activity. No one likes the attack ads, but often it is all we are offered to make our decision at the polling place. Researching the candidates takes time and effort that many of us do not easily find in our busy days. Who do we believe? Who can we trust with the business of running our beloved country? Our lives are affected by our choices for generations to come. Voting is important! It is a responsibility we cannot ignore. It is a privilege we can lose if we do not use it wisely!

I just came back from voting in the primaries. It is the first, and I believe the most important step for the voters to be involved in fully. I spent much time visiting websites, reading up on candidates, and talking to others about their choices and ideas. The process has been long and sometimes irritating when watching the reputation soiling ads over and over again. But the day is here. It is time to rejoice in the process that sits at the core of our country's freedoms.

I love to vote at the voting booth on Election Day. It is a ceremony of freedom. It is a celebration of my rights, responsibility, and privilege! I dress the part by wearing one of my many patriotic shirts. I go early so that everyone will see that I have my "I voted" sticker proudly displayed on my shirt. I do it all prayerfully and with joy!

Father God, You are the author of Freedom and Liberty. You created us to live in freedom and yet, we placed ourselves in bondage to sin. It is because of You that we desire and seek freedom wherever it might be found. Thank You for allowing me to live in a country founded on the liberties You secure for us in Christ. Thank You for the process of voting. We need You to guide our hearts and our hands as we choose. We choose to rejoice in it all! Bless America today, Lord!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Birthdays & Other Celebrations

We celebrated three birthdays this weekend. Two were enjoyed long distance and one was with our family here! We also celebrated the great start to the cheer leading and gymnastics seasons for our granddaughters! Our grandman, Scott is starting preschool today so we marked his big step with a party. It was a busy, smiling weekend! We have a great reason to rejoice because the family we put the spot light on are loved greatly!

Patrick's sister, Crystal, turned_____ * on Saturday, August 21. She lives in south Florida so we did not get to see her but greetings were sent, via mail, Facebook and phone. Crystal is a caregiver for her husband, Alan. She is kind and loving to him even when it is hard for her. She is a grand hostess when people come to visit. Crystal has a shining brilliant heart filled with love.

My sister, Chris, also had a birthday Saturday. It was her _____ * birthday! Living in Colorado left us miles apart for her celebration, but again we made use of all methods to let her know we loved her and we are happy she is in the family. Chris is a gifted writer and creative mind. she has spent her entire career working for the people of her church. The hours she spends teaching, administrating and doing it all with a flair is amazing! Everyone would be blessed to have her on their team!

Our Son-in-law, Cliff, celebrated his birthday here with us. Actually today is his _____* birthday. The family joined to sing and share cake and ice cream for him last night. It was noisy and fun and tasty! I am glad all the cake is gone! Cliff is a prankster, creative mind, and hard worker. He is a tough Dad when he needs to be, but oh so gentle too.

Paige hit all her stunts at the preseason football warm up games. She is a flier this year and her petite size as well as her showmanship, make her perfect for that role. She loves the crowd. She works hard both at practice and at home so she can be her best. Paige will shine on the field this year!

Brooke surprised us all with the improvements she has made over the past six weeks at her new gym! She spruced up each routine and improved her scores! Brooke seems to practice all the time. She sets goals and masters them. She will be amazing at the meets this year!

Grandman Scott, has started preschool today. I enjoyed putting puzzles together with him last night and though I would ask about school and he would just say, "No," I know he will love it! I will miss him though!

The fun thing about watching our loved ones reach milestones is that we go through a milestone also. We grow and become new as our loved ones reach those special moments. We let go. We learn. We follow their lead. We pray more. We are changed.

Today I am sharing my family and their milestones with you. I am also offering you the insight that I, too, am reaching for milestones. Some, like letting go of my time with Grandman Scott, change me more than others, but they all bring me close to God in prayer.

Father, you are the head of my family. You created each of us and brought us together in special ways. You are the One who makes the perfect plan for our lives and You offer that plan to us. You do not force Your will, but allow us to accept it freely. I don't always allow that same freedom for my family, but I want to be more like You in that way. Thank You for modeling for me the best way to love and live with each other. I need You to lead me through these milestones!

( * ages have been withheld to avoid any problems with loved ones.)

Friday, August 20, 2010


An on line friend of mine has said that "There is enough time to do all that God wants you to do." That gives me hope!

Enough time! That is almost a foreign concept isn't it? I am always making the excuse that I just don't have enough time. So, what is the truth? Do I have enough time or not? Is the key in the phrase, "To do what God wants me to do?"

There are times when I am overburdened with needs, problems, and chores as well as all of the things I want to do! But are all those things part of God's plan for my life?

God's word reveals that there is a season and a time for everything God wants me to do. There is a time to be born, die, plant, pluck up, kill, heal, weep, laugh, mourn, dance, cast away and gather stones, embrace and refrain from embracing, seek, lose, keep, throw away, tear, sew, be quiet, speak, love, hate, make war, and be at peace. (see Eccl. 3) He has given us time. He has given us purpose. He has given enough time to fulfill our purpose.

The question is, how am I using my time? Good question.

Eternal Father, You are the time Keeper. You are the bestower of purpose. You wait patiently and provide abundantly. I run out of time only when I am not in Your will. I have enough time when I stay focused on Your plan for my life. Thank You for time. Thank You for life abundant! Thank You for using me to accomplish Your will on earth! You are more than enough for me!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Living Water

My favorite woman in the bible is the unnamed woman at the well. (John 4:1-43) I like her not so much for what she did, but because through her story I see Jesus loving a sinner just like me. No, I am not an adulterer, but I have broken the heart of God through my rebellion, selfishness and pride. I believe this woman was sought after by Jesus, and just like her I, too, was sought, found and redeemed!

Jesus humbled Himself when He approached this woman at the well. She was a Samaritan. She was a woman. Jesus in humility asked her for a drink. He had much more to give her than she had to offer, yet without pride He allowed her to do something for Him. She was a sinner and He found value in her life. He looked past her race, religion and sin to bring her what she really needed. Jesus' humility takes my breath away! How many times do I walk past those I think are beneath me? Jesus made Himself needy to this woman. He wanted to lift her up and knew the best way was to humble Himself.

Jesus then revealed Himself to her. He told her He had living water and He would give it to her for free! He then revealed the truth of her need. He did not withhold Himself from her. He gave all He had. Did this woman connect the dots? Did she see that He, being greater than she, made Himself less in order that she could be more? She must have, because in the next few moments she responded.

This unnamed woman tells Jesus she wants His living water and then goes to bring others to experience what she experienced with Jesus. She was lifted up, her thirst was quenched and she brought others to share in what she had found. Her story is one filled with the love of Christ! Her story can be everyone's story!

Living Water, You quench my thirsty soul! You drench me in love and truth! You wash me clean and refresh me. Thank You for being humble, revealing Your truth to me, and filling me with You! I need You!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hiding Place

Father, You are my hiding place! You shelter me from the storms and watch over me as I make my way through the turbulence's of this life. You cover me with Your wings and protect me from the ways of the Evil One. I trust in You. I know that nothing can shake the foundation of my faith You are my foundation. You are the covering over me. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. My marriage, family and life is secure in Your loving strong, and good hands. When no one else is with me You are! Thank You for being the place where I dwell. Thank You for being my hiding place!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Twists & Turns

Sometimes as we choose a path, someone calls from behind us and offers us a different way. The problem is now which way do we go? Do we continue in the planned way? Do we stop and turn around knowing there is some sense of security being offered? Do we take the risk to say no to the new and hurry on with the plan because it has been planned that way?

For me, I tend to want to stay put, sit down and visit awhile with the Master Planner. I don't proceed, neither do I turn around and follow the new choice. I really do need to hear from God. I need to seek His face and follow the direction in which He is pointing.

Waiting. It is so very hard to wait when everything within you seems to want to move! Waiting for God sometimes is the most difficult. We strain to hear His voice amid the cacophony of voices from family, friends and even self. Waiting for His time always seems like an eternity. What should I expect from an Eternal God?

Life has twists and turns. The right direction is always toward God. The process starts with waiting for His call to follow.

Master Planner, You are well aware of all that is happening around me. You see me waiting and I am trying to hear Your call. Speak Lord, and I will obey. The twists and turns confuse me, but in the end You will make my paths straight.

Monday, August 16, 2010


A friend suggested I share this quote here. It gives me much to contemplate. I will read it over and over seeking to hear God's voice as to what truth lies within these words. I will embrace the truth a turn away from that which is not in line with God's Word. I pray you do the same!

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-- Quoted by Nelson Mandela, In the book A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

Being Brave

I have a job. In fact I have about three or more that keep me more than busy. However, they do not pay a regular or sufficient salary. I am a housekeeper, a childcare worker for my Grandchildren, and a poet and Inspirational Speaker. Each one of these jobs have many tasks that beg to get done on a daily basis. So, why am I looking for another job?

I don't really need anything more to do. I have a list waiting and growing as I sit here. A different job will replace and limit some of what I do now, but not all. I don't like the idea of looking for employment outside of my home. It has been too many years and I've become comfortable in my present employment. I would prefer to set my own hours (I work best late at night), and plan my days according to the voice of God, not man, but I do see advantages in new employment.

The greatest advantage I see is that I can contribute to our retirement in a more substantial and regular way. Patrick and I have dreams to which we strive. If I can help make them happen it is worth the apprehension I feel about going outside my home to work.

Our dreams push me toward this search. My prayer is for God's direction and perfect and complete will to be done in me. I choose to be brave in taking this step with determination and faith.

Father, You are the Planner of my life. Your plan is good and perfect. You are my Lord and I want to do Your will in all things. The only thing is that I sometimes take my eyes off of You and look to the world to find my answers. Thanks for calling out to me as I take this path. I want to follow You and not a fading dream. Lord, I place the outcome of this in Your hands. I ask You to give me courage to proceed. I also place my passion for writing and speaking in Your hands. I know your plan and purpose for my life will be fulfilled.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Advice or Prayer

When we ask for prayer from others are we asking for advice?

There are so many times I do not ask for prayer from others because I don't want their advice. I want God to do a work in my life. As the saying goes: If I want advice I will ask for it. If I am asking for prayer I appreciate knowing my friends will pray first before sharing what they might think God is telling me.

I guess I believe that God will give me the answer because it is my problem. Yes, sometimes I won't listen, and He might need to send a messenger to make His will known, but most of the time I hear and obey. It does not seem necessary for others to jump in with advice before they pray.

I also have found myself giving advice when asked to pray. I am ashamed to say that my assumptions about others' problems were not always correct. In fact, when I think I know the answer to my own prayers I am also wrong. Assuming that I know the answer is arrogant. Because I have found myself advising before praying, and recognizing my faulty assumptions, I have decided to watch myself. I will step aside and allow God to direct my friend and myself as well.

Father, You have given us a precious gift in prayer. We communicate with YOU, the all-knowing, Good and prefect Creator. I can never compare to You in my advice and certainly, I do not know the answer You would give until I talk to You! Forgive me for being arrogant in putting my thoughts and ideas ahead of Yours. Thank You for using friends and prayer warriors to reveal Your desires when I do not listen to Your voice. Help me to grow humble before You and let You be God when someone asks me to pray.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mom's Birthday

Saturday was a busy day for me. A memorial service in which I read one of my poems, a baby shower for my daughter who is expecting in September, and my Mom's 80th birthday was on my list.

I began my day thinking of my Mom. I said a prayer for her and thanked God that she is still with us. I could not be with her since she lives 3000 miles from me, but I wanted God to shower her with love, grace, and special fun. She would be enjoying a family dinner with most of her loved ones in attendance, I wanted to be there too, but there are somethings that just can't be helped. The Florida family sent flowers. She loves flowers! I am sure she would have preferred having us there, but flowers will do.

During the memorial service, I also thought of my Mom. I asked God to let me see her again before it would be her time.

The baby shower also reminded me of her. She would have been so excited to have been there! she loves babies! Mom is having the privilege of four, yes, FOUR new great grandchildren this year! She thinks they are all beautiful and smart!

Mom has been blessed to live for 80 years. She has seen many changes and she, too, has changed! She has learned many lessons life offers. I wrote a poem for her years ago and i will post it on my poetry blog. If you are interested you can read it at http://poetryimpressed.blogspot.com.

Happy Birthday, Mom! I am so happy to celebrate YOU! God has richly blessed me with you as my Mom.

Father, You are so wise and good! You have blessed my life with a Mom who has helped me to grow in loving You and loving others. Bless my mom as she gets older. Bless her with health and protection and provision for her needs. I know You love her smile just like I do...You made it just for her! Thanks!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Faith-Filled Dreams

Why is it so hard to let go of dreams and hold onto faith? Dreams can be difficult to attain and yet the desire for their realization tempts us over and over. We grasp for those visions and believe if only we try hard enough, it will happen. Faith, on the other hand, seems to slip away so easily from us with a simple word or circumstance.

Sometimes the loss of a dream causes a loss of faith. It is sad indeed to lose faith over worldly hopes, but we too often choose what we would see more than what we cannot see. A woman seeking the love of a man might surrender her faith to get him. A couple dreaming of a perfect home might manipulate and forget their faith in order to gain what may someday become a nightmare. There are many dreams that have the foundation of faith, but there are also those that have no support. The only way to hold onto faith is to let your dreams be rooted in a faith that is based in truth.

Faith founded on the one true God and His plan for our lives, His wisdom and great love for us, is the only sure way to find our dreams and the desires of our hearts fulfilled. Yes, I have known the sadness of losing those dreams I wanted from the world. I have also had the deep abiding joy of receiving from God's hand the things I most desire.

Father God, You have generous hands. You know my heart and You supply all my needs and most of my desires. Trusting in You is a sure foundation. Thank You for allowing me to dream big when walking hand in hand with You. Thank You for leading me into the best places....those green pastures where You shepherd me safely. I love You, Lord

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Face to Face

This morning as I drove to a doctor appointment, I listened to a talk show devoted to modesty. The arguments given about the state of immodesty in our country were not new to me. I kept listening hoping they would mention my own thoughts about "Modest" dressing. Though the show centered on dress for women I believe modesty is meant for both women and men.

The show host finally asked the question: "Where does relationship start?" From that he let it be known that it starts with the face. When we wear immodest clothing the eyes travel away from the face to other parts of the body. This was what I wanted to hear. Years ago I judged my children's' attire by looking and determining where my eye landed. I spoke to my daughters' often about wearing clothing that would draw they eye upwards to the face and their beautiful brown eyes. I mentioned this to my 10 year old granddaughter this past week too.

Too tight jeans, or pants hanging low so that the hand holds them up in a conspicuous place, or low cut blouses, or any distracting attire is not becoming, nor modest. Maybe I am old fashioned, but I pray the revival of our hearts will be seen in our dress. No, I don't think it necessary to remove slacks or bright colors from our wardrobe, nor do I think we need to wear our skirts around our ankles. Christians are given freedom in Christ and we are responsible to use it wisely!

Our choices should draw others to look into our eyes and see the joy and wonder of God! We should let our faces be transparent and reflect the light of Christ!

Are you wearing Christ? Are you framing His reflection with what you wear? He has earned the right to be the focus in our lives. Romans 12:1....present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to Him!

Holy Father, You are worthy. You deserve my concern over how others see me. Teach me to be modest, humbling myself so that You might be glorified! Thank You for living in my heart and giving me a light to show others! I love You!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


When you don't have anything to say, do you still try to come up with something? I do sometimes, but today I just want to be silent and listen. Maybe I am waiting for you to say something. Maybe I am waiting on the Lord.

Father, Your voice is always a welcome sound to me. "Speak Lord. I love to listen to Your voice . See, Lord, here I am." (Words to an old song we sang in the Catholic church. Beautiful and I love them. )

Monday, August 2, 2010


Today I had a big prayer request for God. I had put off asking because so many other people seemed to have greater needs than mine. It was only when I heard the Spirit of God remind me that His word says that I have not because I don't ask, and when I ask I don't ask in the right way, with the right heart. So, I asked.

I'd like to say the answer has arrived with all the bells and whistles, but it hasn't, not yet, anyway. I am expecting an answer, even if it isn't exactly what my heart desires. I won't manipulate to get my own way. I won't "claim" my answer. I won't forget that God loves me and gives good gifts to His children. I asked. I told Him all that I wanted. Now I "Claim" who He is in my life and let Him be enough for me.

Abba Father, you are the giver of all good gifts. You are wise and all knowing. You are the only one who loves me perfectly, and in Your love I can be sure that You want to bless me with my hearts desires. I am selfish at times and I want so much. I know that in the world my prayer may be seen as too much, but I know You are able. Thank You for listening to my requests. Thank You for making plans to bless me. Thank You for being all I need. I know that You will supply all my needs according to Your riches. I need to hear Your voice and see You in every circumstance. I want to be in Your presence.