Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Advice or Prayer

When we ask for prayer from others are we asking for advice?

There are so many times I do not ask for prayer from others because I don't want their advice. I want God to do a work in my life. As the saying goes: If I want advice I will ask for it. If I am asking for prayer I appreciate knowing my friends will pray first before sharing what they might think God is telling me.

I guess I believe that God will give me the answer because it is my problem. Yes, sometimes I won't listen, and He might need to send a messenger to make His will known, but most of the time I hear and obey. It does not seem necessary for others to jump in with advice before they pray.

I also have found myself giving advice when asked to pray. I am ashamed to say that my assumptions about others' problems were not always correct. In fact, when I think I know the answer to my own prayers I am also wrong. Assuming that I know the answer is arrogant. Because I have found myself advising before praying, and recognizing my faulty assumptions, I have decided to watch myself. I will step aside and allow God to direct my friend and myself as well.

Father, You have given us a precious gift in prayer. We communicate with YOU, the all-knowing, Good and prefect Creator. I can never compare to You in my advice and certainly, I do not know the answer You would give until I talk to You! Forgive me for being arrogant in putting my thoughts and ideas ahead of Yours. Thank You for using friends and prayer warriors to reveal Your desires when I do not listen to Your voice. Help me to grow humble before You and let You be God when someone asks me to pray.


Unknown said...

I could not agree more, with both giving and receiving.

Connie Arnold said...

Good advice you offer here. Only God knows the answers.