My first child was born 34 years ago. Being my first child she became an experiment in parenting for both me and my husband. It has been an awesome experiment that God has let me take part in! He trusted me with this child, and though I made many mistakes (not only with her but all of my children) God helped out. Because of His helping hand in her life she has become a powerful woman of faith!
My daughter is walking a hard path not of her choosing. She has walked it for six years now, and through it all she has held fast to the source of her strength. She has proven herself to be faithful, strong, resourceful, loving, encouraging and steadfast in faith her trust in God. I am so very proud of her!
She has joy that is irrepressible! Since she turned 16 she has celebrated "The Week of Erin" not just her birth"day". The entire week surrounding her birthday is filled with little celebrations of friendships, family, and herself. Maybe she wanted to make sure she got her weeklong celebration so she could surpass Fathers' Day since her birthday sometimes lands on that day, and she is forced to share the day with her Dad. Whatever the reason, it always brings us who love her much joy to watch her delight in life and the good that God has blessed her with!
So, Erin Joy, have a wonderful Week and a delightful Day of celebrating You! I believe God is delighting in sharing you with the world!
To everyone else who reads this, take a moment and celebrate life! It is worth celebrating!
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