I've been collecting clutter for years. Recently I have been ridding myself of much of that clutter and making plans to lose it all little by little. Why did I collect it all when I would eventually throw it away?
When looking back over my bits and pieces of miscellaneous papers, books, trinkets and unused items, I remember my thoughts. I remember that most items are kept because I don't want to forget. Funny that in all the mess of my clutter I forgot about them anyway! My files are full, but I seldom look through them to find something obscure that I thought I would not want to forget. I am finding that there are many things I can enjoy for a season and then it will be okay to forget.
I also have looked and many items, even broken pieces, as something I can use again someday. I do use many things in my junk box. Actually I call it my craft box. It is easier to keep things that are craft pieces than plain junk. I've had to tell myself the truth about much of that pile of junk. It simply takes up space, and saving something I might use twenty years from now is hording! If I can't use it soon, I should give it to someone who can.
When I look at my prayer list I sometimes think it, too, is cluttered. It is cluttered with people I love and care about and their needs. Healings, finances, relationships, and many other requests clutter my days and thoughts. I pray for each as those thoughts float through my mind. I can't stop this clutter. To stop it would take away the love, and I have found that the more my love grows the less cluttered my life feels about the people who need the touch of God. Besides, I am probably someone else's clutter!
Loving Father, You have shown Your heart and it is big enough to encompass the entire world! You love eternally and fully. You never push out the clutter of human need. I am sometimes overwhelmed by the small circle of needs that surround me. I want to stop the clutter and clear my life of others' problems, but then, a friend comes hurting and needing Your touch. Thank You for sending Your Spirit of Love that stretches my heart and makes room for one more. Thank You for helping me declutter the world around me so that I have room for Your love and the people You love. Thank You for letting me clutter Your life, Lord!
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