Thursday, January 22, 2009


Humility is being stopped by a policeman and admitting I am wrong.

Humility is admitting to a friend that I didn't stick to your exercise plan or keep my promise when I said I would.

Humility is admitting I am selfish to my spouse.

Humility is telling my grandchildren that I still do naughty things.

Humility is knowing when the wise words I say are not my own but are from the Holy Spirits' whispers.

Humility is listening when I want to speak, speaking when I want to remain silent, seeing each job and each person as better than my job and myself, and being sure of whose I am even when I fail.

Humilty is not something in which to be proud, rather it is something to bring to the Father and allow Him to make something beautiful out of it. It is knowing who God is and who I am not.

True humility can only be obtained through the working of God in my life. Funny thing is I want to be humble but I don't want to be humbled!

1 comment:

Irish Blessings said...

It takes a strong person to admit they are wrong.

It takes a strong person to admit their selfishness.

It takes a strong person to admit their mistakes.

The thing is, when you admit those, it actually makes you stonger. Makes you more honest. Not only with yourself, but to your friends and to God as well. (which is a good quality to have)

Thing is. People do not want to be humiliated. They feel wrong or bad about themselves and do not want to feel worse. But if you admit things, it actually RELIEVES all those bad feelings!

There is nothing wrong with feeling humiliated. It opens "your" eyes when you are. =)