Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gods' Standard

Recently, I heard a young woman declare that she was a "Good girl." It occurred to me that it may be very true to the worlds' standards but what about Gods' standard?

We label ourselves as "good" businessmen, church goers, Moms', Dads', Grandparents, friends, and on and on. Again we need to take a close look at what standard we are judging ourselves by.

Jesus explained "good" in an encounter with a rich young ruler. He said (Mt.19:17) that "There is only one who is good." The GOOD standard we must follow is Jesus.

When a young woman says she is a "good girl" we must look at her life to see if she is following Jesus' example of purity and goodness. The same holds true for the businessman, church goer, or anyone else to whom we see as good.

In my life this has been an awakening. I have been "good" by the worlds' standards. Only God and me know how far short I have come to reaching His standard. I am happy to know that Jesus has kept Gods' standard and offers His perfect life in place of my imperfect one. I am happy about that!


Anonymous said...

if you go by God's standards then no one on earth is good. and no one will ever be good. kind of depressing.

Unknown said...

True. No one is good and that is why Jesus came to be good for us! Not depressing when you think of it that way!