Monday, April 27, 2009

Work & Worth

I sit here wondering how to speak out without sounding like I am complaining or even trying to defend some of us. I don't want to set anyone above another but I do want to express something I have thought about frequently.

The subject has to do with work and worth. One of the questions most commonly asked when meeting someone for the first time is "What do you do?" It may be phrased , "Where do you work?" The two questions are meant to be a barometer of where you stand on a scale of how important you are or what you are worth to the person asking. For me this has always been an uncomfortable question.

I have felt uncomfortable telling others I've been a stay at home Mom and now a stay at home Grandma. Oh, I know people make grand statements about the importance of Mothers' work but in reality after that bit of information gets leaked, there is little else others will talk to you about. It does not matter how well versed you are in another subject besides diapers, school functions or shopping at the grocery store. If you are not bringing home a pay check there is not much worth placed on you as an interesting person. I hope I am an isolated case, but I tend to think this happens across the board.

Okay, so the perception is that some people have greater value than others just by reason of their work status and ability to make money. I see this happen with those who are unemployed right now. They even think less of themselves because of the difficulty they are having getting work that pays. What is the truth?

The truth is that our worth comes from our Creator. He decides our worth and His word says that He is no respecter of persons! Could it be true that my little income for taking care of my grandchildren and selling my poetry, cards and being a speaker has no influence on Gods' view of me?

My work is an eternal work. My Grandchildren are hearing Gods' word through me every day. My writing is meant to convey Gods' truths and hopefully inspire and impress others to seek a deeper relationship with their Creator. I do not make a huge salary and I suppose I should be more concerned about that, but I cannot devalue myself because of my lower status on the economic grid.

Father, I am deeply grateful for Your love and pride that You take in my work. I thank You for providing all things that I need and most of what I want! You give me purpose and I rejoice in knowing that You value me though I am not worthy of it.


Irish Blessings said...

I think there is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom/grandma. And if people think less of you, then it is they who are the lesser person. I get the same thing with my profession.
"What do you do, Laura?"
"I work at Grove Scientific & Engineering"
"Wow, that sounds interesting, what do you do!?"
"I'm the Administrative Assistant"

And that's the end of the conversation. Never mind I know completely what we do and more than you think about the details that go along with it... Never mind I have an AA majoring in chemistry and minoring in political science. My title titles me to a mindless assistant who 'merely answers phones and puts mail together'. I'm also female. (Big shock!)

But what I have learned is that my work can not work without me (and that is the same with a family). I hear more than they think, know more than they think, and am the best damned secretary they've ever had! I am good at what I do and am proud of it. I don't care what people think about my "title". Because when I go on explaining what my company does, it is THEN that they are amazed at what "I" do.

I would love to stay at home and have the title "mom". Now, not to say that you are complaining, I am just talking for anyone to hear my thoughts about what I would like. I believe the title 'mom' is very respectable. I honor anyone who is a stay at home mom whether by choice or not. But maybe that's because I've also become a super mom and I understand what's behind the curtin. If people would just take a second to think about what moms and grandmoms do, they'd be freakin amazed. Take care of the children (feeding, playing, teaching, calming, etc), keeping the house clean from everyone else's laziness (or lack of time to help), making sure that there is food in the fridge and pantry as well as breakfast, lunch, and dinner made (as well as providing leftovers for when no one wants to cook), going to social events~ whether it be church, personal, family, or friend related, and being the chauffer. Yeah, moms do a lot. Not to mention the few who go to work and school to get a higher degree on top of this.

Yeah, can I get an AMEN for all the mothers out there???

Yes, you may go to work and bring home the bucks, but that is no reason to think that someone who stays at home doesn't work hard too, or has a brain. If they think a mom lays around all day then I pitty them for living a spoiled life.

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh. I'm tired of people thinking lowly about others because of their profession.

Gina said...

Enjoyed reading your post. For years the neighbors would say to each other as they filled out their contact information sheets for their children, put Gina down for the emergency contact, she doesn't do anything. Well, I have to admit feeling hurt and worthless because I chose to stay home most years for my children.

I am so happy God sees us as a whole person and one so full of worth!! Good post!!