Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Margaret Feinberg is a writer that continues to challenge me. Today she asked a question in her book "The Organic God" that has me checking my own idea of God in the way of generosity.

She asks: "Do I see God as a giver or a taker?" She goes on to explain that what I do reflects what I believe about God. If I believe God is a giver I will be generous in my giving. If I believe God is a taker, then I will hold on to what I possess. I see this principle as true in many areas of my belief system.

I am humbled to say that though my words would say that God is a giver, my actions do not always line up with that statement! I cried today when I was faced with this truth. I am not proud to say that I have times of selfishness and greed. I am filled with remorse when I push away thoughts that would cause me to be generous because I am afraid I won't have enough for me! I would love to be a cheerful giver whenever the Spirit prompts me, but the truth is I am not.

Don't be mistaken, I do give. I am a tither. I enjoy sharing at times. But I want to be like my Heavenly Father and I want to reflect Him to the world. To do that I must not just give when I want to, but I must BE a giver like He is!

My tears over this mornings' revelation must become the watering of the seed of truth so that I might grow the fruit of generosity in my life!

Father forgive me for believing the lie that You are a taker. I know You give good gifts. I know that You only ask me to give because it is good for me! I know that You are the Giver of all Givers! Change my heart, Lord! Change me! I want to be more like You!

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